
Submarine starts off with a dryly-funny note from the fictitious filmmaker and subject of this coming of age film, Oliver Tate. He points out the charms of Wales as being more than home to the likes of singer Tom Jones, and thanks the US film-goers for watching his story… and not invading his country. The real filmmaker is Richard Ayoade, and what follows is a fairly entertaining struggle about a tortured but obviously talented boy, Oliver (Craig Roberts), dealing with dysfunctional parents and a fragile teen romance with his first girl, Jordana (Yasmin Paige). We’ve seen all of this done before by director Wes Anderson( “The Royal Tenenbaums”) but the quirky locale and the fine performances by Roberts, and Sally Hawkins and Noah Taylor as his parents make it interesting. Bafta winner Paddy Considine has a delicious role as a tacky purveyor of New Age claptrap. Lots of dry humor and UK school bullying keep things rolling, all in all, if you liked Anderson’s movies like  “Rushmore”, you’ll probably like this one.

Rated R

My GPA: 2.8

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