Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock Holmes and Jude Law as Dr. Watson take their bromance to a new level in Guy Ritchie’s new 2nd installment of his Holmes catalog, the action adventure “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows”. Those who revel in the “elementary” deductions posited by Holmes in the writings of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle might have to wait until the rousing final confrontation between Holmes and Professor Moriarity (Jared Harris) to get the full impact of his deductive skills because this film is full of Ritchie’s stop action hyper-edited action scenes that Hollywood demands from it’s action heroes, even if they are occasionally in drag. Let me say that Downey Jr. as a lady is not, to quote Holmes, “his best look”. Rachel McAdams as Irene Adler makes a brief holdover appearance from the first film to get things rolling and we are stuck by the fact that some things never change in the evil struggle for world domination with the first terrorist bombing engineered by Moriarity. His attempt to outwit Holmes includes  disrupting the marital bliss of the newly married Watson (Kelly Reilly as Mary Morstan Watson). Holmes comes too the rescue of his fellow sleuth and through s series of hard to believe premonitions, outwits the various attempts on their lives. They are aided by the Gypsy Sim played by the original “Girl in The Dragon Tattoo” Noomi Rapace. Fans of her work as Lisa Salander will agree, she isn’t fully utilized in this film. the rousing battle of wits involves a chess game between Holmes and Moriarity that echoes the action playing out on screen. It’s a thrilling finale.

Rated: PG-13

My GPA: 3.4

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