
My wife Judy and I and my cousin, singer Mare Lennon attended the 2nd Annual Lennon Family Concert at California’s Santa Monica Bay Women’s Club on Friday night 7/27.   It was a charity concert for a number of Foundations the family wished to help.  The Lennon Sisters performed along with the Lennon Brothers, Gail Lennon and Peggy’s son, Mike Cathcart, as did the popular rock group Venice with two Lennon Brothers, Kipp and Pat, and two Lennon cousins, Micheal and Mark ( they are all insanely talented). The concert featured the Lennon Siblings: Peggy, Kathy, Janet, Mimi, Annie, Dan, Pat, Joe, Billy, and Kipp (DeDe couldn’t make it), some of their Kids, and many of their cousins, performing for over 3 hours. The L.A. Times ran a nice piece on the girls last week, as they celebrate 56 years in showbiz. It was a fabulous, fun, family gathering that proves that a rare genetic streak of talent can extend from generation to generation. We share the same Great-Great Grandfather, James Lennon of Appleton, WI, our Great-Grandfather’s were brothers.

My mother Betty was a Lennon, she had 3 sisters too! My Mother is fourth from the left (with her three younger sisters: Georgeanne, Patricia, Jean and my Grandmother Florence) in this 1928 photo.

If you ever get to Branson, MO over the Holiday Season be sure to see the Lennon Sisters act at The Andy Williams Theater. The Lennon Brothers and Gail also perform in Branson with Mike Cathcart ( an amazing singer and musician). Three of the Venice members, Pat, Kipp, and Mark just finished a two year world tour with Roger Water’s “The Wall”, and Venice is back at full strength.

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