The long awaited conclusion to “The Twilight Saga”, “Breaking Dawn Part 2″, picks up where Part 1 left off, Edward (Rob Pattinson) and Bella’s (Kristen Stewart) part human child Renesmee  (MacKenzie Foy eventually becomes the face , Benjamin Button style, of the character while other actresses play her rapidly developing body) who becomes the focal point of the battle between the Cullen’s and the Voltaris, the nasty keepers of the Vampire code. Is Renesmee immortal, breaking the Vampire law, or really half-human? Edward’s family gathers vampires from all over the globe to act as witnesses on Renesmee”s behalf, each with their own skills for battle. Director Bill Condon and author Stephanie Meyer collaborate to give us a bit of romance, humor, and wild action to make this a must see for the rabid “Twilight” fans who are invested in the dozens of characters we’ve seen through the five films. The cinematography and CGI effects are all top notch and Carter Burwell’s musical direction is always the best. Those of us who aren’t so rabid will have to struggle a bit to follow the intricacies of the plot and refrain from chewing popcorn during the romantic mumbling of Edward, Bella, and Jacob (Taylor Lautner, who’s grown up quite a bit from playing Sharkboy.) Nonetheless, the film delivers some nice surprises for fans of the books as evidenced by the spontaneous applause of the preview screening audience.

Rated: PG-13

My GPA: 3.4

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