“Hearts Beat Loud” is a coming of age (both Middle and and Teen) film that finally gives Nick Offerman (the grumpy, steak loving, Ron Swanson of “Parks and Rec” fame) a chance to shine as a leading man. He plays Frank Fisher, a middle aged owner of a failing Brooklyn Vinyl Record Store, who once entertained hopes of rock stardom with his wife, until her young life was cut short in a biking accident, His daughter Sam, played by rising star Keirsey Clemons, is a talented student, singer-songwriter, preparing to leave the nest for college and eventually Med School. She’s also dealing with her new found sexual awakening, a relationship with Rose (Sasha Lane, “American Honey”).
Frank collaborates on an impromptu home production, nicely captured by director-writer Brett Haley (“Hero”),giving both Offerman and Clemons a chance to display their musical chops. Frank uploads the song “Hearts Beat Loud” on a whim and when it takes off on Spotify, it creates a series of life choices for both Father and Daughter. Will Sam be coaxed into delaying college to pursue a music career and her new found romance? Will Frank reclaim his long subdued performing dreams? Some fine supporting work by Ted Danson , once again offering advice behind a bar, Toni Collette as frank’s Landlady and potential love interest, and Blyth Danner as Frank’s shoplifting mother, possibly dealing with onset dementia, creating another crisis on Frank’s crowded plate.
Let’s just say that “Hearts Beat Loud” is a summer crowd pleaser, a classic coming of age story, but engagingly unpredictable.
Rated: PG13
My GPA: 3.8
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