“Mozart’s Sister” is a wonderful French film by director-writer René Féret about the Traveling Mozart family and more importantly, a great film about the condition of women during the mid 18th Century reign of Louis XV. Maria Anna “Nannerl” Mozart (a captivating Marie Féret, The filmmaker’s daughter) is the older sister of the famed boy genius , Wolfgang Amadeus (David Moreau), and from all appearances shares the family genius for composition and musicianship. She is however trapped in a society that considers such talent dangerous to the young female mind. Nannerl and her family are on their way to court in Versailles when their coach breaks down near a rural Abbey. This brings her into contact with three of the daughters of the dissolute King Louis XV. Her friendship with the youngest sister leads her to a chaste dalliance with the Dauphin, the conflicted heir to the throne. this relationship gives her a brief opportunity to show her music composition skills despite the objection of her father, Leopold (Marc Barbé). Féret’s script guides us through these adventures with skill and beauty until we are told of the fate of this tragic-hero historical figure that, I would guess, not many are aware of, Nannerl Mozart.
My GPA: 3.8
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